Why Did You Choose the HUMSS Strand in Senior High School this 2023? Is It Because of These Reasons?


Choosing the right senior high school strand is a decision that can shape your academic path and future career. It’s like picking a destination for an exciting journey. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore in-depth the reasons behind choosing the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand. Whether you’re a student navigating this decision or a parent seeking insights, this guide aims to provide a clear and detailed perspective on why some individuals opt for HUMSS.

Why did you choose the HUMSS strand? We have interviewed some of the brightest HUMSS students and we have come up with a collection of answers. Let’s dive in!

A Personal Decision on Choosing the HUMSS Strand

why did you choose the humss strand


Choosing the HUMSS strand is a deeply personal decision influenced by various factors. Here’s why many students, including myself, choose HUMSS:

1. Passion for Humanities and Social Sciences:

One of the primary reasons for selecting HUMSS is a genuine interest in subjects like history, literature, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. The HUMSS strand offers a rich and diverse curriculum that delves into the complexities of human society, culture, and thought. If you find yourself captivated by discussions on societal issues, cultural dynamics, or the intricacies of human behavior, HUMSS might align perfectly with your interests.

This passion for the humanities and social sciences often emerges from personal experiences, whether it’s a memorable history class that sparked your curiosity about the past or a thought-provoking novel that ignited your love for literature. The HUMSS strand provides a platform for you to explore these interests in-depth, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subjects you’re passionate about.

2. Development of Critical Skills:

HUMSS places a strong emphasis on developing critical thinking and communication skills. These abilities are like Swiss Army knives for life, equipping you to navigate and excel in a wide range of situations. Within the HUMSS curriculum, you’ll find opportunities to engage in stimulating debates, craft persuasive essays, and analyze complex issues from multiple perspectives.

The art of critical thinking is cultivated through rigorous examination of ideas, theories, and arguments. As a HUMSS student, you’ll learn to ask probing questions, evaluate evidence, and construct well-reasoned arguments. This skill isn’t confined to the classroom; it becomes a fundamental tool you carry with you into your academic and professional pursuits.

Additionally, effective communication is a cornerstone of success in any field. In HUMSS, you’ll refine your communication skills through activities like public speaking, group discussions, and essay writing. These experiences empower you to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively, a talent that’s invaluable in academia, the workplace, and daily life.

3. Versatility for Future Opportunities:

Contrary to the misconception that HUMSS limits your career choices, it offers remarkable versatility. It equips you with a broad knowledge base and adaptable skills that transcend specific professions. Whether you aspire to become a lawyer, teacher, journalist, entrepreneur, or pursue a career in fields yet to be discovered, HUMSS provides a strong foundation.

The ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and understand human behavior is universally valuable. These skills serve as a springboard for your future endeavors, allowing you to pivot and excel in various domains. HUMSS graduates have ventured into diverse career paths, from business and law to education and social work, demonstrating the adaptability and relevance of their HUMSS education.

Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of HUMSS fosters a holistic understanding of the world. You’ll explore the intersections of history, culture, psychology, and society, gaining insights that transcend narrow disciplinary boundaries. This broad perspective not only enhances your problem-solving abilities but also enriches your appreciation of the interconnectedness of human experiences.

4. College Readiness:

Choosing HUMSS is akin to laying a robust foundation for your college journey. The skills you acquire – researching, writing, critical analysis, and effective communication – are highly relevant for higher education. Many HUMSS graduates seamlessly transition into college life, well-prepared to tackle the academic challenges that await them.

In college, you’ll discover that the analytical and writing skills you honed in HUMSS become essential assets. Whether you pursue a degree in the humanities, social sciences, or any other field, your ability to craft well-structured essays, engage in intellectual discourse, and think critically will set you apart.

Furthermore, HUMSS exposes you to academic rigors that mimic the demands of higher education. The HUMSS curriculum encourages independent research, fosters intellectual curiosity, and promotes a culture of continuous learning – all qualities that align seamlessly with the expectations of college life.

HUMSS also provides a taste of the academic diversity you’ll encounter in college. The range of subjects you study – from Philippine politics and governance to creative writing, from introduction to world religions and belief systems to trends, networks, and critical thinking in the 21st century culture – prepares you for the breadth of knowledge you’ll encounter in your college coursework.

Career Paths for HUMSS Graduates

Choosing HUMSS doesn’t just open doors to college; it also provides a solid foundation for various career paths. Here are some career opportunities that HUMSS graduates commonly explore:

1. Law and Advocacy:

HUMSS equips you with critical thinking, research, and communication skills, making it an ideal choice for those considering a career in law. Many HUMSS graduates pursue law degrees and become lawyers, advocates, or legal consultants.

2. Education and Teaching:

If you have a passion for imparting knowledge and shaping young minds, HUMSS provides an excellent foundation for a career in education. You can become a teacher, lecturer, or professor in subjects related to the humanities and social sciences.

3. Journalism and Media:

HUMSS graduates often excel in journalism and media-related careers. Your ability to critically analyze information, write persuasively, and communicate effectively can lead to roles as journalists, editors, content creators, or public relations specialists.

4. Social Work and Counseling:

For those interested in making a positive impact on individuals and communities, HUMSS provides valuable insights into human behavior and society. You can pursue careers in social work, counseling, or advocacy for social issues.

5. Business and Entrepreneurship:

HUMSS doesn’t limit you to traditional humanities careers. Your versatile skills are highly valuable in the business world. Many HUMSS graduates enter the corporate sector, taking on roles in management, marketing, human resources, and entrepreneurship.

6. Research and Academia:

The research skills honed in HUMSS prepare you for a career in academia and research. You can become a researcher, academic writer, or scholar, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your chosen field.

7. Public Service and Governance:

HUMSS graduates with a passion for public service often pursue careers in government, policy analysis, and governance. Your understanding of societal dynamics and critical thinking abilities are assets in this field.

8. Arts and Culture:

HUMSS provides a solid foundation for careers in the arts and culture sector. Whether you aspire to be a writer, artist, musician, or theater performer, your HUMSS education can enhance your creativity and understanding of human expression.

9. Nonprofit and NGOs:

For those committed to making a difference in society, careers in nonprofit organizations and NGOs offer meaningful opportunities. HUMSS graduates can engage in roles related to community development, advocacy, and social change.

10. International Relations:

HUMSS graduates with an interest in global affairs and diplomacy can pursue careers in international relations, working in diplomatic services, international organizations, or global NGOs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Final Thoughts

Choosing the HUMSS strand is a personal and transformative decision, much like embarking on a unique journey. It offers an opportunity to delve deep into the humanities and social sciences while providing versatile skills for the future. Whether you aspire to be a historian, lawyer, entrepreneur, or anything in between, HUMSS can serve as your launchpad. It’s a pathway that embraces your passions and equips you for the exciting chapters ahead, whether that leads to college or a fulfilling career in a wide range of fields.

Neil Bharwani
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